7Sense is an Estonian company whose objective is to improve the visually impaired people accessibility to the environment, by providing awareness of the surroundings objects as they walk around. As they phrase it, the Telehaptic Sight™ technology opens up a unique way for blind individuals to engage with their surrounding environment. With hundreds of physical pixels working intelligently together, SuperBrain helmet can create a haptic space that translates objects, motion, speed, and distance onto a person’s forehead through the sense of touch.
The SuperBrain device is basically like a topless helmet that one puts on their head with a part adhering to the forehead which is equipped with a matrix of "pins" or tangible elements that come into close contact with the forehead to stimulate it and indicate the presence of objects. The device is also equipped with a 3D camera to see and sense the environment with the aid of AI. Our project partners at CEA List have tested and shared their experience in our news page.