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How Can Businesses Ensure Accessibility in Their Products and Services? Learning from EU Standardization Efforts


Updated: Sep 26, 2024

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"As accessibility becomes an increasingly critical focus across industries, the EU Accessibility Act (Directive 2019/882) is setting essential guidelines to ensure that products and services are accessible to all, especially individuals with disabilities. This landmark legislation affects a wide range of sectors, including banking, transportation, consumer electronics, telecommunications, e-commerce, and more. It ensures that products like smartphones, ATMs, ticketing machines, and e-services are accessible, enabling greater inclusion for people with disabilities.


This week, the Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted (LASS) took part in a key meeting with accessibility experts from Siemens to discuss the latest updates on EU standardization work related to the Accessibility Act. The exchange highlighted how vital it is for organizations to stay informed about accessibility requirements and adapt their products and services to comply with the EU standards.


Understanding the requirements embedded in the Accessibility Act is crucial for businesses and project developers. This is not only a compliance issue but an opportunity to explore new project areas, such as innovative accessibility solutions. For instance, as part of the ABILITY project, LASS is collaborating with EU partners to develop a full-page Braille tablet, a project that aligns perfectly with the goals of the Accessibility Act.


The future is inclusive, and staying ahead in accessibility will offer numerous opportunities for innovation and growth in both existing and emerging industries."

Vilmantas Balčikonis

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Human Centred, Multisensory Device Creation

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programe under grant agreement Nº 101070396

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