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Seeing through sound with WaveOut


waveOut app street view
waveOut street view (image source:

In 2022, the entrepreneur award of EIB’s Social Innovation Tournament was granted to an accessibility app, known as waveOut.

WaveOut uses spatial audio navigation on a mobile phone to help blind people perceive their surroundings. This state-of-the-art audio technology simulates how humans perceive sound in three dimensions—the natural ability of looking at the correct direction when someone calls us.

With the waveOut app, people can navigate through an address by simply pointing their mobile phone camera straight ahead, and follow the spatial audio guides through their headset.

The creators (DreamWaves) are now working to replace navigation by camera with navigation using the phone’s motion sensors. This would enable the users to keep their hands free and carry their phones in their pockets.

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Human Centred, Multisensory Device Creation

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programe under grant agreement Nº 101070396

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