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ABILITY first workshop in Sweden

14 February 2023


In ABILITY, end users and experts in accessibility are at the center of the project. We started a round of interviews to collect the needs for our future ABILITY device(s) and use cases and the first workshop organised by the University of Lund was held in Malmö, with the Swedish Braille authority and the authority for accessible media (MTM). We had very fruitful discussions around the localised multitouch vibrotactile feedback screen and the InsideOne tablet and these will be collated in our public deliverable on Initial User Requirements, available end of May, stay tuned!

[Credit icon: Workshop icons created by Triangle Squad - Flaticon]

Useful links*

Malmö, Suède

Human Centred, Multisensory Device Creation

Contact us

If you want to contact the ABILITY Coordination Team, please send an email to:

In addition, we encourage you to meet the ABILITY Management Board so you can redirect your question accordingly.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programe under grant agreement Nº 101070396

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