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Nice and fruitful Assembly Meeting in Vilnius, at LASS

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17 September 2024


On the 10th and 11th of September, nearly the whole ABILITY team met in Vilnius for the Assembly meeting. Each workpackage leaders presented their progress and discussed next steps and we were also able to test some demos. The project is overall progressing quite well. In particular, we have managed to integrate the haptic technologies into a 10.5 inch tablet, redesign the pin geometry to increase the holding force and continue developing successfully AI algorithms for image description and text extraction (see images below of the partners testing the new pin design vs the old one, and handling the tablet).

We are now working on the integration of the hardware with the AI algorithms. We are hopeful we will be able to start conducting studies on haptic feedback before the end of the year and of the final integration mid next year!

Stay tuned as we will need involvement of many participants!

Liens utiles*

Vilnius, Municipalité de Vilnius-ville, Lituanie

Création de dispositifs centrés sur l'humain et multisensoriels

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If you want to contact the ABILITY Coordination Team, please send an email to:

In addition, we encourage you to meet the ABILITY Management Board so you can redirect your question accordingly.

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Ce projet a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d'innovation Horizon de l'Union européenne dans le cadre de la convention de subvention Nº 101070396

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