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ABILITY Première réunion plénière

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29 November 2022


Participants - All consortium members

Our first face to face plenary meeting since the project started beginning of September. We had an exciting 2 days packed with discussions on each work package, lots of demos and debates on how to achieve the objectives of the ABILITY project.

Liens utiles*

CEA List - Nano-INNOV, Boulevard Thomas Gobert, Palaiseau, France

Création de dispositifs centrés sur l'humain et multisensoriels

Contact us

If you want to contact the ABILITY Coordination Team, please send an email to:

In addition, we encourage you to meet the ABILITY Management Board so you can redirect your question accordingly.

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Ce projet a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d'innovation Horizon de l'Union européenne dans le cadre de la convention de subvention Nº 101070396

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