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ABILITY's innovative hardware design will be presented at the IEEE EuroSime conference

17 January 2025


Great congrats to our consortium partner, CEA, who will be presenting their research on the development of a piezoelectric patch at the IEEE EuroSime conference venue in April 2025 (

This publication (titled: "Fabrication and Electromechanical Characterization of Piezoelectric Patches for OLED-Based Haptic Interfaces") will report the outcome of CEA's research on the development and the integration of piezoelectric patch on the ABILITY haptic tablet and its evaluation through electrical and electromechanical characterizations.

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Utrecht, The Netherlands

Menschenzentrierte, multisensorische Geräteerstellung

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Dieses Projekt wurde vom Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm Horizon der Europäischen Union im Rahmen der Finanzhilfevereinbarung Nr. 101070396 finanziert

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